How to Select a Financial Adviser

Choosing a financial adviser is no different to selecting any other professional. They must be extremely “competent” and have impeccable “character”.
Competency – You need to be sure that the financial planner has the ability and skills to produce the highest quality financial advice.
Character - You need to be sure that your financial planner has the honesty, integrity and professionalism to always act in your best interest.
EWS Qualifications Certified Financial Planner CFP (R) - the industries highest qualification. |
100% Independently Owned EWS is not owned, aligned or influenced by any institution or product manufacturer, such as a bank, life companies or superannuation funds. |
EWS Experience Over 20 years experience as a senior financial adviser. |
Fee for Service We are not paid by commission and do not receive any incentives or benefits by third parties. We are paid directly by our clients and the advice we provide is always based on achieving the best outcome for our clients. |
EWS Technical Knowledge Very strong technical knowledge in a broad range of matters, including taxation, superannuation, and investment portfolio construction. |
Genuinely Passionate We are passionate about providing quality financial advice. This passion is driven by the overall impact and happiness created in peoples lives through providing quality financial advice. |
EWS Skills Highly skilled in developing “strategy based solutions” which provide significant financial benefits and certainty of outcome. |
Our Business Objective We understand that the long term success of our business is based purely on the quality of advice and level of service we provide to our clients. |
The Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) Shadow Shopper Survey 2006 found:
“Bad advice is six times more likely if the adviser had a potential conflict of interest due to remuneration
and three times more likely if the adviser is recommending in-house or associated products”.